2024-2025 Scheduling » Park Scheduling

Park Scheduling

Welcome Park Families to our 2024-2025 Scheduling Page!


Please take a moment to view the links appropriate for your family on the right side. Before a schedule can be created for your child, a LAMPS selection must be submitted. Current students completed these forms in school or via email. New families can email me regarding available LAMPS options at [email protected].  As the scheduling and PowerSchool Administrator at EPMS, I will do my best to honor as many first requests as possible.


For exceptional classes, we will cross reference your course selections with the Elmore Park Academic Rubric to see if your child qualifies.


Our goal is to communicate all assigned courses to our families before we leave for summer break.  Stay tuned for more information! 

If you need help, please reach out to me directly at [email protected].

Carmen Johnson,

Assistant Principal



**Please note: PowerSchool registration is still a required step by ALL families in order to register for the upcoming school year.